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Emily’s Allotment Blog #2 - Jan 24

Many hands make light work…

I need to start this post with a huge thank you to those that gave up their Sunday morning to help with the working party. A few have been captured in the photographs but many more were not - thank you to all of you!

The weather on Sunday was kind and the sun was shining, which certainly made the task of clearing the mound behind plot 7a less daunting. There was a great turn out of volunteers and many hands really did make light work.

The day was a bit of an unknown venture. The skip was booked and a few exploratory probes into the mound had been made. The top of the pile was evidently non-compostables, but how deep that went was a mystery.

Fortunately, the mound turned out to be predominantly soil, so with some litter picking between spadefuls most of the mound could be spread across the plot, with a few wheelbarrows worth donated to other plots.

After an hour or so, it was very much time for a well-deserved tea break. Thank you to Sue and Ellie for the homemade treats - the cakes were delicious! Everyone was soon re-fuelled and ready to crack on with a final push.

We’d soon burnt off the cake calories and some - who needs a gym membership when you have an allotment?! After multiple laps of wheelbarrow tag, the skip is now full and the task complete. Not only was the mound cleared, but the team also managed to move a large log as well as dispose of a shed and a tree that had fallen in the winds last week. A great start to the year, and a huge help for a new allotmenteer.

Thank you!

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