April 2024
I managed to squeeze in a quick inspection in a break in the weather when we had sun and the temperature was above 15°. But sadly as I suspected one hive didn't make it through the winter, although I think they may just have absconded either next door or perhaps to a different hive as there were no dead bees in the hive. This is what I'm praying happened anyway.
The one hive we have left, I am happy to report is doing well for a number of reasons firstly I saw both larvae and sealed brood cells which means we not only have a queen but she is laying well. The other good news is on inspection I could find no swarm cells which ties in with the fact but the hive is around half full. As the weather has got cooler and wetter again I won't be able to do another inspection this week and I'm away next week so I will pray for good weather the first week in May.
If you are interested in being more involved with the bees on a small or large scale then let me know in the comments and I will add you to our WhatsApp group - until next time….
Helen Valentino